Solidarity and mutual support are tools in which we believe, we consider them among those fundamental values that help a community to develop a worthy life. Here you can find some initiatives that we joined or that we simply want to share u.
La Fulmine Bogotá/ Serie linocut| letterpress
This campaign is promoted by Rete Jin – a network (in Italian, “rete”) made by women (in Kurdish, “jin”) and non-binary people in solidarity with the Kurdish women’s liberation movement –, and is endorsed by the CISDA (Coordinamento Italiano di Sostegno alle Donne Afghane ) , an Italian NGO supporting Afghan women.
linocut , hand-colouring, 24 copies numbered and signed by Bastardilla
Linocut, 26 copies numbered and signed by Erica il cane
Şifa Jin is the women’s natural medicine centre which opened in Jinwar on March 4th, 2020 . The centre – the only one in the country being exclusively intended for women – got equipped to face adequately the risk of the spreading of Covid-19, by implementing a specific protocol, and in the meantime providing the women who turn to the facility with education on contamination risks and political analysis. During the last two months, about 200 women and children received health care... READ MORE>
FIRST SOLIDARITY CAMPAING COVID19 support latinoamerican informal and precarious women workers affected for the covid 19 lockdown.
Probably this period could be considered as the perfect example of the expression “worst case scenario”, probabilly could not be the best moment in the contemporary history to start a new adventure as a studio-printing lab and for collective experiences. But we’re sure that in a way this is the perfect moment to share and help each other.This is our mutual aid to a better and different future. This will be our contribution to a Net that will grow not only in this virtual world but in the everyday life. Hands, tint, paper, without electricity, aka handmade with low impact.